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Old sailing ship Summary:

Socialism is a political theory used by certain political parties. It is the belief that the country's rulers should control and manipulate the country's economy and social structure for the good of the people. Because of that, they must posses all the money and all the power, which they will dispense appropriately. Because of that, they must adhere to the economic theory of Mercantilism which would give them this money and power. The other economic theory, Capitalism, would rob them of all they wish to have and do. Three problems occur with socialism:

  1. It is based on a false and unworkable economic theory
  2. It is impossible for one person or a few people to do what is right for millions of individuals
  3. In every instance where socialism has been instituted, the leaders have become overwhelmingly corrupt and used the power and the money for their own benefit

To overcome those problems, the socialists must either disband or else seize power and dominate the people through force. To dominate the people, they use three methods: Lies, Class Warfare, and Appeal to Emotion. Two examples of this extreme socialism are communism ("left wing") and fascism ("right wing").

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Socialism is not based on where wealth comes from, but how to control that wealth. They assume, they must assume, that Mercantilism is correct, that wealth comes by taking it from other people. In order to keep the strong from taking it from the poor, they must become stronger than the strong in order to protect the poor. They must control the money. To do that, they must have the money and the power. After they become stronger than the strong, they are “the strong,” and who is to protect the poor from them? The poor is dependent on the hope that the socialists must be intrinsically good.

If the assumption of Mercantilism is incorrect, that wealth is actually unlimited, then the socialists reason for existence is irrelevant. If wealth is unlimited, then it doesn’t matter how much money one person or a few people have. Their wealth would not prevent anyone from getting all the income he needs in order to provide for himself and his family. Instead of controlling wealth, the rulers would better teach the people how to provide for themselves. If the people could provide for themselves, then they would not need the socialists to do it for them. That would rip all the money and all the power out of the hands of the socialists, an untenable position for them.

Socialists are concerned with controlling society and wealth. Like the Mercantile System, Socialist Theory is logical and simple:

Given the proper resources and determination, we can build a utopia. Why let things happen accidentally? Why not design a Great Society? We can build wonderful ships, buildings, roads, statues, bridges, monuments and homes. We can provide for all the needs of those incapacitated. Why can't we build a great nation, a utopia? With a whole nation pulling together, we can accomplish more together than with everyone pulling in a different direction.

Socialism is a moving, active philosophy. They are going somewhere, which is one of the reasons people are intrigued with it. People want to go somewhere, anywhere, as long as they don't stay in the same place and it looks as if progress is being made. Picture Socialism as a moving vehicle on a cross street in front of you. It goes to the left or to the right. If it moves to the left, we call it communism. If it moves to the right, we call it fascism. Both communism and fascism are extremes of Socialism. In Socialism's logical progression it must move one direction or the other. It can not stay put. It must look as if progress is being made.

Only one extreme of socialism may dominate. Communism teaches government ownership of everything. The land, the farms, the factories, the businesses, all belongs to the communist government. Fascism teaches government control of everything. People may own the business, but they must purchase their raw material from government directed sources, they must sell their material to government directed sources at government specified prices, and they must produce an amount specified by the government. There is long enmity between communists and fascists. The reason is not hard to see. If one group gets control of everything, then the other group gets nothing. It becomes an actual life-and-death struggle.

The theories of socialism, communism and fascism are complex. I'm not presenting here why these theories could or should work (see footnote); I'm discussing what they did and how they do work. The goal of the socialists is to control the wealth and the power. Whether it is for the good of the people or for their own personal benefit, the goal remains the same. Since they must gain the consent of the people to give them this power, they must convince the people it is for their own good. They must also convince the people that any other system would be to their harm. Therefore the socialists are continually telling people how good their system is and how bad the other one is.

Socialism cannot work unless it controls everything. That is why it must be dynamic; it must continue to move to the left or right, until dominance is obtained. Socialism desires to control people and industry in order to achieve maximum good for the people with the resources on hand. (Industries can only be controlled by controlling the people.) Suppose the socialists wanted to control the medical industry in order to give every one affordable health care. They could not do their job unless they controlled the hospitals. They cannot control hospitals until they control the doctors, nurses, ambulances, drivers, medical supplies, building materials, medical laboratories, and anything else associated with hospitals. They cannot adequately control ambulances (cost, maintenance and ownership) unless they control automotive manufacturers and transportation (of ambulances to the site needed). Countries have an infrastructure by which they are held together and operate. In order for Socialism to control one part of that infrastructure, they must control it all. Hence, Socialism is dynamic, it is always moving to the left or right.

People like any group that has a program, that seems to know where it is going. They will trust and adhere to it. However, many people don't want to give up their freedom. They want to feel as if they are in control of their own destiny. Therefore Socialists must convince them, whether true or not, that the end result will give them everything they really want. All they have to do is to give up a little bit now for a bigger benefit later on. People do that.

There are two problems that Socialists cannot overcome:

  1. Mercantilism does not work, any more than the sun revolving around the earth works. It is based on the incorrect theory that wealth is limited, and that to get wealth you must take it from someone else.
  2. A single theory in control of everything or a few people in control of everything can not meet the needs of millions of people. It takes millions of people to meet the needs of millions of people. It is only possible for socialists to devise a system that meets the needs of some people and demand all people must adhere to it.

Since the more astute leaders of Socialism realize this, they are left with only one option, either capitulate or grab all the power and all the money for themselves and their party (their friends).

  1. They use lies
  2. They divide society into classes and pit one class against the other
  3. They appeal to emotion rather than facts and logic

Here are some examples of these characteristics. They are taken from socialist groups around the world, including Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, and Socialists in America. . You will recognize them, and be able to use them to understand what is happening in your own area.


Fascists gained power by use of Lies: Gobbles, Hitler's public relations expert, taught, "Tell a lie, make it big, tell it often, and people will believe it." Adolph Hitler referred to his international treaties as "scraps of paper" to be used as it suited him.

In the United States, communists targeted labor unions as groups they should infiltrate in order to bring about a communist government. In the Soviet Union labor unions were outlawed.

Socialists claimed one political party was trying to do away with welfare benefits when in fact all that party wanted to do was put it into the hands of the state governments and out of the hands of the socialists.

Socialists claimed one political party was trying to starve children to death by reducing the school lunch program when in fact that political party had voted to increase the school lunch program.

Use of Minorities:

Nazis first made inroads into the gay community and got their support. When they came to power, they turned on the gays and slaughtered them. Then they attacked the Jews.

Socialists create classes of people and then pit them against each other. They claim to protect the gays against the evil oppression of the heterosexuals, to protect the women against the evil oppression of the men, to protect the blacks against the evil oppression of the whites, to protect the Jews against the evil oppression of the fascists, to protect the workers against the evil oppression of the employers. The people, whose imaginations are then inflamed, give their votes and power to the socialists who have sided with them.

Appeal to Emotion:

Remember Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini swaying massive crowds to fevered hatred of Jews and other minorities. They won their countries by claiming their own white people are superior, and other races must be enslaved.

Listen for yourself to the diatribes invoked against opposing political leaders who have been particularly successful, such as Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Listen to the hatred and venom used when those names are mentioned.

Listen to the rage expressed, when leaders are trying to inflame minorities against their supposed oppressors.

Consider the fevered outrage the socialists pretended when the other party voted to increase the amount of food money it would give for children in school. The socialists had to deny it was a raise and pretend it was a cut.

In every instance, the Socialists gained power in the same way. They have always lied to the people to gain power, and then betrayed the people.

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I discuss why these theories could or should work in my book, Why I Changed From Liberal to Conservative elsewhere in this website.

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