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How to Make Life Work For You


02 The Second Greatest Secret

03 Principles of Success

04 Dreams and Goals

05 Decisions

06 Count the Cost

07 The Plan

08 Right Thinking

09 Subconscious

10 Training

11 Affirmations

12 Attitude

13 Mentor

14 Associations

15 Vehicle

16 Persistence

17 The Sage and the Fool

18 Secrets of Having a Job

The World's Second Greatest Secret

There is no known limit to the good and benefit that you may obtain and accomplish for yourself and for others with the resources you already have. Each person can fully provide for himself and his family starting with the resources he already has available.

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Every one of us has obtained a degree of success. For some of us, getting and keeping a job is a degree of success. For some, finding a day's food is a degree of success. For some, marketing a great invention is a degree of success. Every one of us has done something and every one of us could do more, if we knew how. Every time you succeeded, you applied one or more of the success principles. If you do not know what you did differently the time you succeeded, you may have attributed your success to luck. But if you do know what the Principles of Success are, you can apply them at any time for any thing and consistently achieve great levels of success in all your endeavors.

I'm going to list and explain a series of Principles you need to incorporate into your life. They will allow you to pass from one level of success to another higher, and then to another higher than that. In all your unsuccessful endeavors, you may not know the one or several you are lacking. Any one of these principles may be the Master Key you need to obtain success and happiness beyond what you now think is possible. Any one could be the one you need, the Master Key to put you over, to make the difference, to enable you to get what you want in life. The Key you think is least important to you may be the one that is keeping you from succeeding. You think it is not important, so you're not doing it.

Some truths are self evident, but people may not see them until they are pointed out by others. Other truths may not be plainly evident, but nevertheless are tried, tested and proven. These Principles have the benefit of being both self-evident and proven. These are not theories about the way the world ought to be; they are actual practices being used today by the world's wealthiest and most successful people.

These keys will give you the Second Greatest Secret in your life, how to obtain the wealth and success you want, with no limit.

Go now to Success Principles.

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Disclaimer #1: Himself

When I say "he" to refer to a single, unidentifined person, I truly mean any one man or any one woman. Our English language does not provide a genderless pronoun for an adult human. If it did, I would use it. What I am writing is far more important than the reform of the English language. I am giving you the tools to reform the English language yourself, if that is what you choose to do (and if you do, your name will go down in history). I choose to use the conventional method of employing the so-called "masculine" pronoun for any adult human. Please note, however, that women have pronouns all their own. "Male" pronouns are indefinite and may refer to a man, a woman, or even a child of either gender.

Disclaimer #2: Every one of us

When I say "anybody" can do something, I mean anybody with a normal range of intelligence and ability. I do not include those special people so limited they cannot care for themselves even under the best of circumstances, those people whom God gave us as a special gift to teach us how to love and how to care for others.

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