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How to Make Life Work For You


02 The Second Greatest Secret

03 Principles of Success

04 Dreams and Goals

05 Decisions

06 Count the Cost

07 The Plan

08 Right Thinking

09 Subconscious

10 Training

11 Affirmations

12 Attitude

13 Mentor

14 Associations

15 Vehicle

16 Persistence

17 The Sage and the Fool

18 Secrets of Having a Job


You change the way you think in the same way that you learned it, by saying the truth out loud continuously so you can hear it. What was programmed in your mind in the past was not controlled and not given with your permission. It was simply fed to you. Now we know we can program our own minds for success, by repeating the truth over and over again outloud. We can replace old, faulty, erroneous concepts that lead to failure with correct, accurate truth, that leads to success.

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Remember how you learned as you were growing up. Some things you learned by seeing, such as the way your parents treat each other, and you learned that is how adult couples behave. Some things you learned by feeling, as fire, and you learned not to touch that. But many, many, many times you learned by hearing..

You heard, “NO!” Don't do that! Don't go there! Don't touch this! Don't talk like that! No, No, No, No, No, No, No, NO!

And then it got worse. You heard, “You're ugly. You're stupid.” “When God was passing out brains you thought he said trains and got out of the way. When God was passing out looks you thought he said books, and said, ‘I don't want any.’” “There are three certainties in life: Death, Taxes, and You Are Ugly.”

For your entire life you have been fed negative, wrong feeling about yourself, sometimes as a joke and sometimes seriously. The problem is, your subconscious mind has no sense of humor. It operates on logic and resources, not on humor. Everything you have heard has been stored up for future reference and use. Your mind has been programmed in such a strong, negative way that when you do hear the truth, you may think it's a lie. If you heard, “You are intelligent, good looking and capable,” how would you feel about that? Would you think somebody was simply kidding you again?

Your mind allows you to do what it allows itself to think. If you sincerely believe you are not smart (unable to wisely use the knowledge you have) then you will continue to behave in a non-smart way. If you believe you are smart, you will behave smartly, and learn from that to become even smarter. I'm not talking about how you try to convince other people you are smart. I'm talking about how you sincerely feel about yourself in your heart, and how you humbly act on it.

I say humbly, because when you see a person who is arrogant, proud, vain, and boastful, it is certain he has low self-esteem. That's out outward show to elevate himself in his eyes and in yours. Fortunately, it doesn't work.

If you sincerely believe you are unattractive, you will behave in an unattractive way. Your dress will reflect your belief about yourself. Your grooming will reflect the “truth” you understand. Your behavior will agree with your dress and grooming. If you truly believe you are worthless, then you will behave so you appear worthless to others and to yourself. If you think you are not attractive to other people, to people you want to attract as your mate and spouse, to people you want to have as friends, you will behave in a way that guarantees you are repulsive to them, just to maintain the “truth” as you understand it. Of course you don't do that consciously, you do it subconsciously. You will subconsciously and openly portray the lie as The Truth. But it's still a lie.

How old are you? Put that age in “X”. You are X number of years old. You have been lied to for X years. Maybe not on purpose, but lied to nevertheless. Maybe your parents and siblings were raised in the same way, and they only taught you what they had learned. Regardless of the motive behind the statements, you were fed false statements about yourself (and others) since the day you were born, and you believed them, and today you are operating on them. YOU'VE GOT TO CHANGE THAT!

You change what you learned in the same way that you learned it, by saying the truth out loud continuously so you can hear it. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. You didn't believe the lies at first, but when they kept on coming at you nonstop, you believed them against your will. That is what you must do to yourself now. Feed yourself the truth continuously, nonstop, until your mind and subconscious believe it. A good book to learn what to do is, What To Say When You Talk To Yourself, by Shad Helmstetter.

You must remove all restraints from your mind. Of course you diligently keep the restraints that prohibit you from hurting others, yourself, or causing you to lose self-respect. But all the restraints that keep you from succeeding, from achieving anything at all that you want, you need to remove.

How do you do that? You write a series of statements, put them on a card, and then read or repeat them to yourself out loud four times a day: morning, noon, evening, bedtime. Or more often, as it is convenient. How long should you do that? Until you believe them and naturally and subconsciously act on them. It may take three weeks, three months, three years or three decades. However long it takes, you should do it. You should see results and changes in yourself within three weeks, if you are consistent.

How many statements should you write? Resist the urge to write 100. Narrow it down to about three or four. Pick the thing or few things that are most important to you to get resolved now. When you have won one victory, then add another to your list and start on that.

How should you write the statements? DO NOT write them to negate the lies you have been told. If you have been told and convinced that you are stupid, then DO NOT write a statement which says, “I AM NOT STUPID.” If that could work, it would only bring you up to ground level, to zero. Nothing is replacing the lie. Your statement must be the truth that replaces the lie. Write, “I am Smart. I am highly intelligent. People admire me for my mind and the wise things I do. People come to me for advice, and they listen to me. I understand problems, and I propose good, proper solutions.” You are smart, you know. If you have average intelligence, your brain is capable of feats greater than the smartest person you know, if you learn how to use it.

It doesn't matter if the statement isn't true today. If it should be true, and may be true in the future, and that is what you want, then write it as if it is true. It is Truth In Advance. Remember, every thing made by a human that you see had to exist in someone's mind first. The truth of the existence in the mind became the truth in reality, which is what you want.

All your affirmations should be directed to yourself alone. You cannot manipulate other people. That is immoral and unethical, even if it is for their own good. You can only train yourself how to deal with other people. You can be a loving mate to a negligent spouse. You can be strong enough to leave an abusive spouse. You can do what you should do, even if right now you are weak. You can be strong. You can win the goal. You can get the promotion you want. You can achieve your dream.

Use affirmations to light the path you wish to tread.

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Go now to Attitude.