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How to Make Life Work For You


02 The Second Greatest Secret

03 Principles of Success

04 Dreams and Goals

05 Decisions

06 Count the Cost

07 The Plan

08 Right Thinking

09 Subconscious

10 Training

11 Affirmations

12 Attitude

13 Mentor

14 Associations

15 Vehicle

16 Persistence

17 The Sage and the Fool

18 Secrets of Having a Job


Your subconscious has been programmed throughout your life, first by other people, and then by yourself. You believed what they said and you started repeating it to yourself. Picture in your mind a man torturing another man by twisting a thumbscrew on his thumb. He has to go to the bathroom, so he tells the victim, "Here, continue turning this until I get back," and the victim does. That's what you've done to yourself. You took over the lies and misrepresentations of yourself and kept feeding it to yourself as if it were true. It is the reason you are where you are, you think the way you think, and you do what you do. Let me explain where you are in life, what happened in your past, and where you came from, so that you may better understand your own subconscious.

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Here are three brief definitions of aspects of your mind.

This is when you do things on purpose. You think, you move, your decide, you react.
This is when you are out cold. Maybe you were hit on the head. Your conscious mind is not working. You're not thinking.
This part of your mind takes care of your body and works as a partner with your conscious mind. We can control it indirectly.

We can demonstrate some of its power through hypnosis. But it's big, it's powerful and does many things we humans have not yet figured out.

Some people call the subconscious "unconscious". We can't correct them on this; we can only live with it and realize they actually mean "subconscious."

The way the world is currently made up The way the world could be made up
Super Achievers 03% of population Super Achievers 87% of population
Achievers 10% of population Achievers 10% of population
Average 84% of population Average 00% of population
Incapable 03% of population Incapable 03% of population

Assuming you are "average," how many Super Achievers do you know personally? People like the President of the United States, or the Pope, or the world's foremost mathematician? Zero? That's about average. Then how many Achievers do you know - millionaires, CEOs of large corporations, people like that? One? Two? None? That's about average. So here you are, hanging out with average people. Those are the only ones you know.

Are your parents average? Are your brothers and sisters average? You uncles and aunts? Your nieces and nephews? Your friends? Your boss? Your coworkers? Who writes the book you read? Who design the bill-boards you see along the streets? Who announces news on the television and radio? Who writes your magazines?Everyone who is average does.

All those people designed the way you think. They programmed your subconscious. Since they did not agree on absolutely everything all the time, you had some variation to figure out for yourself, and that made you unique. Everything you saw and thought and heard and did got you to where you are today. If you want to break out of where you are, then you must learn truths greater and better than what you already know.

Some average people have been beat up figuratively since the day they were born. They are told by everyone, "You can't do this, you can't do that, you can't do anything. You're no good. You're useless. You're a failure. You have always been a failure, and you always will be. That's just the way you are." Then that person grows up believing and repeating what he has been taught, "I'm no good. I'm a failure. No matter what I do, it won't work out."

Still, there's something that tells them that's not true. They are good. The are worth something. Then why can't they get ahead in life? Why do they try and try and try, yet nothing seems to work? It's unacceptable to think that they are wrong in so many ways, so many opinions, that it is impossible for them to succeed. It doesn't make sense why they seldom succeed and they don't realize they're doing it to themselves. It's much more reasonable to them to say, "They (the rich) are doing it. They are keeping me down. They are manipulating me. They control the money. The Rich get richer and the Poor get poorer."

To make matters worse, certain unscrupulous people use this fear and belief to take advantage of you. They agree with you and stir up this class warfare, making you think they are on your side. Then you will vote for them or buy from them, in order to protect yourself from a powerful, greater enemy. If only you realized those people who encourage an us/them attitude, pretending to befriend you and protect you, are in fact your real enemies.

And so each person continues to plant deeper and deeper into their subconscious mind their follies with the proof and justification of such folly. It is unreasonable to think that you are wrong, totally, completely, absolutely wrong in so many basic, vital areas of your life. That's why so many people stay exactly where they are. They don't understand, can't believe, that they did it to themselves, and they have the power to change it.

"After all," they think, "I'm not so bad off. I love people. I've got a job. I'm buying a house. What more could I want?" Well, you could want:

  1. A permanent income greater than all your needs and desires
  2. A paid-off home of your choice any design and any place in the world
  3. All the cars of your dreams
  4. Money to obtain for your and your family the finest education possible
  5. Health
  6. Travel any place in the world, any time, and stay as long as you want
  7. Provide for every needy person in your family
  8. Provide for your church needs
  9. Provide for other people's needs

What you do have, if you're average, is a job that meets some of your needs. And, instead of expanding your income to meet all your needs, you found it easier to decrease some of your needs to meet your income. Then you said, "I have my needs met." If you're average, you have a job, and no matter how secure you pretend your job is, you always run the daily risk for whatever reason of losing that job and that income, that day.

So what can you do? You and your family designed your subconscious mind, and now your subconscious mind is designing your life. You must reeducate your subconscious mind. How do you do that? You do the opposite of what you've been doing all your life.

  1. You should read several books designed to teach you how to shape your subconscious.
  2. You should seek out and associate with positive, progressive people who continually tell you, "You can succeed, you can win, you can do what you want.
  3. You should continually tell yourself out loud that you can and you will succeed, that you are good, that you are successful. You must counteract all the negative, wrong information that's been fed you from birth.
  4. You should refuse to think "the rich" are out to "get" you. The truth is, they will help you get to where they are, if you want to and are willing to do what they tell you.

When you touch a hot stove, what do you do? You jerk your hand away from it. That is instinct. It is actually an action performed by your subconscious. Your subconscious quickly and accurately analyzes thousands of sensations coming in, and responds to them instantly. You don't tell your heart to beat fast when your are startled. You don't think you must jerk your hand away from a hot stove. You don't make yourself shiver when you are cold. But you do all that. Why? Who tells your muscles to perform that way? All this is designed to act instantly to protect you.

You subconscious mind does the same with the laws of success. If it is so trained to respond in the right way to that which leads you to wealth and security and righteousness, then you automatically walk in that direction without a second thought. Money will seem to flow to you on its own, because you don't realize you are in the right place, doing the right things, to attract wealth

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