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How to Make Life Work For You


02 The Second Greatest Secret

03 Principles of Success

04 Dreams and Goals

05 Decisions

06 Count the Cost

07 The Plan

08 Right Thinking

09 Subconscious

10 Training

11 Affirmations

12 Attitude

13 Mentor

14 Associations

15 Vehicle

16 Persistence

17 The Sage and the Fool

18 Secrets of Having a Job


You must get training on those goals that demand training.
If you want to become a medical doctor, you must get training.
If you want to become wealthy, you must get training.
If you want to be successful in what endeavors you undertake, you must get training.
If you want to go to Hawaii, you don't need training.

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You must have training for those Dreams and Goals that provide a life-changing, life-enhancing lifetime-lasting benefit to you, such as becoming wealthy

You must have training to learn how to obtain those items that don't have a life-changing, life-enhancing, lifetime-lasting benefit, such as going to Hawaii.

"Hold it!" you say. "Didn't you just tell me in Right Thinking that I don't need a higher education to get what I want?" Yes, indeed. I said you don't need an education -- a formal education -- to become successful and wealthy. If you want to be a medical doctor, then you must get the education. But you don't have to be a doctor to be successful and wealthy. If you want to drive a car, you don't need a college degree, but you do need car-driving training.

You must get training to get what you want. Some training is more affordable that others. If you want to become a medical doctor, you would go to medical school and get the training you need. If you want to become a minister, you would go to seminary and get the training you need. The cost of going to medical school is not the same as the cost of going to seminary, nor is the demand on your time and study exactly the same.

If your goal in life is to become wealthy, then you get the training necessary to be wealthy. You don't get instead the training to become a medical doctor. You don't get instead the training to become a lawyer. You do get the training required to become wealthy.

If you want to become a medical doctor, you must go to medical school, not seminary. If you want to become a lawyer, you must go to law school, not McDonald's Hamburger College. If you want to become wealthy, you must get the training on how to become wealthy. You won't get it at the wrong college.

Forbes' Four Hundred magazine, which comes out yearly, lists the world's four hundred wealthiest people. You'll see many of them have a college education, but not always in the field in which they got wealthy. You'll see some of them have no college education at all. You'll see a few of them do not even have a high school diploma.

WHAT? No high school diploma? And they're among the wealthiest people in the world? Why is that? That is because high schools, colleges and universities do not teach you how to become wealthy. Sometimes what they teach does just the opposite and keeps you in poverty.

There is training on how to become and be wealthy, but it is not given at schools. You obtain that other ways. This web page is one of those other ways.

Where to get training to become wealthy

This is going to be so simple. Where do you think you would get training to become wealthy? You get it from wealthy people.

Really? Sure, really. You learn to be a lawyer from lawyers teaching at law school. You learn to be a doctor from doctors teaching at medical school. You learn to be an insurance broker from insurance brokers. Don't you? The answer is obvious and demanded: you get training to be wealthy from wealthy people.

How? Where? Not at schools, obviously, because formal schools don't teach people how to become wealthy. And if there are, be careful who you professor is. If he or she is broke, then don't study the principles of wealth under him. Learn it from people who know what they're talking about.

The question is now, Where do you go to meet wealthy people to teach you how to become wealthy? There are TWO places. One place is the BOOK STORE. Wealthy people are not afraid of wealth or of you. They would be delighted for you to be wealthy. It means more business for them, and fewer people on welfare, whom they have to support. They write books. Many books. Get them. Read them.

Embark on a reading program in which you read books on success and self improvement at least 20 minutes every day for the rest of your life.

The second place take a little more time, but it is possible for your to do. Simply decide you're going to associate with wealthy people. Then cultivate progressive, upwardly mobile friends. Start in the group you know. Select those most likely to grow. Continually look for successful people. Start conversations. Ask questions. READ How to Win Friends and Influence People. Develop friendships with progressive, motivated, successful, wealthy people, especially those people who have what you want.

You may say, "Isn't that a little hypocritical, cynical?" Not at all. If you met a boy or girl you want to meet, date, and possibly marry, you'd make every effort to meet him/her, would you not? You'd develop a friendship, would you not? And why? Because you want to meet them and be their friends. That isn't cynical. That's the way things are done.

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Go now to Affirmations.